I know its small but on so convient for on the go moms who don't want to carry their phones in their purse but in their pocket.

Its just not a phone. It has an ipod capabilities and a built in media function. You can take photos, and videos. it took me awhile to figure out how to use it in the media mode but once I did. I get sometimes better quality photos than with my point and shoot. The text keyboard I had to have a friend set up because frankly I couldn't figure out. I wanted a different type of phone because of all the texting I do however I can't complain for the other stuff it comes with.
yes, you can set music as your tones with this phone. You just have to have that particular song loaded on your phone.
It will sync with your computer's calendar on top of all that. So, looking for a new phone without all the bulkiness of the other phones this one is it.
I give it four stars in my book.
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